Book chapters

Last updated March 25, 2023

6. Lundekvam M, Arnesen T, McTiernan N (2023) Using cell lysates to assess N-terminal acetyltransferase activity and impairment. Methods Enzymol 686:29-43

5. Drazic A, Arnesen T (2017) [14C]-acetyl-coenzymeA-based in vitro N-terminal acetylation assay. Methods Mol Biol 1574:1-8.


4. Foyn H, Thompson PR, Arnesen T (2017) DTNB-Based quantification of in vitro enzymatic N-terminal acetyltransferase activity.  Methods Mol Biol 1574:9-15.


3. Aksnes H, Hole K, Arnesen T (2015) Molecular, Cellular, and Physiological Significance of N-Terminal Acetylation. Int Rev Cell Mol Biol 316:267-305.


2. Evjenth R, Van Damme P, Gevaert K, Arnesen T (2013) HPLC-based Quantification of in vitro N-terminal Acetylation. Methods Mol Biol 981:95-102.


1. Van Damme P, Arnesen T, Ruttens B, Gevaert K (2013) In-gel N-acetylation for the Quantification of the Degree of Protein in vivo N-terminal Acetylation. Methods Mol Biol 981:115-26.